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Apple iPhone 11 battery with Flex Band BMS integration (no contact welding required)

Apple iPhone 11 battery with Flex Band BMS integration (no contact welding required)

ID: 332049
Regular price $33.00
Regular price Sale price $33.00
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Capacity 3110mAh

Sale package

Content Battery / Battery Adhesive / Fixing adhesive tape / Adhesive coating tape
Product status New
Apple iPhone 11 Battery

Replacing the battery on your phone without the error message "battery not original" is possible by using the new BMS flex band battery.
This ensures functionality with the Battery Management System on the original battery.
It only requires connecting the original BMS band to the BMS flex band of the battery.

Acumulator Apple iPhone 11, cu integrare Banda Flex BMS (nu necesita sudare contacte)


- Lithium Ion Battery
- No welding contacts required.
- 0 charge cycles
- Eliminates non-original battery detection error

Caution: Installation must be done by an authorized GSM service technician, otherwise the product warranty will be void.

Mounting instructions:

  1. preste device-ul mobil.

  2. Indeparteaza modulul display de pe device-ul mobil.

  3. Deconecteaza conectorul acumulatorului original de pe placa de baza. Indeparteaza acumulatorul de pe device-ul mobil.

  4. Indeparteaza adezivul negru de la baza acumulatorului original, pentru a avea acces la banda flex BMS (Battery Management System).

  5. Foloseste un instrument subtire si ascutit (foarfece ceramice sau lame ceramice) pentru a taia conexiunile dintre banda flex BMS si acumulatorul original (partile metalice). Atentie! Nu folosi unelte neceramice deoarece pot cauza scurtcircuit. Ai grija sa nu intepi celula acumulatorului sau sa nu tai banda flex BMS.

  6. Nu arunca acumulatorul. Mergi cu acumulatorul intr-un centru specializat pentru colectarea bateriilor.

  7. Pune banda adeziva galbena (inclusa in pachet) pe
  8. spatele
  9. benzii flex BMS.
  10. Indeparteaza folia de
  11. protectie de
  12. p

Please note: After installing the battery on the phone and updating the software, the following messages will appear:

1. "Part not indexed" pop-up message
2. No registration in "repair assistant"

Also, the battery status will retrieve information from the replaced battery. To reset this (to show 100% battery status) you need to flash the system (in GSM service).
If this is not important for you, then this operation is not required.